Sunday, January 31, 2016

Gimme an inch...

So it rained a lot on Thursday, and the framers did not work.  The house had a lot of water in it anyway, so while Pete and I were waiting for the inspector, we swept the water out of the house and started chucking stuff into the dumpster.  We were pretty bummed at first when we saw the sign on the dumpster that said "NO CONCRETE" so I called to ask about it and they said we could put SOME concrete in there but not to fill it all the way up. We needed to clean up all this stuff!

On Friday, the weather was beautiful so we went back to the house and still no framers. We spent some time cleaning up nails and other dropped stuff all around the house, along with random concrete piles. Seems like if they finished and still had some left over, they would just pour random blobs of concrete out in the dirt. And when they swept the inside of the house, they just swept that right out into the dirt too.

I didn't expect them to work the weekend, so I was pretty surprised when I pulled up on Saturday. I saw some stuff sticking out of the dumpster, and my first thought was that someone in the neighborhood was using our dumpster to throw stuff away. then I looked into the garage and saw that they had installed all of the R-5 Foam board insulation around the concrete walls and they marked out all of the interior walls.

What we didn't anticipate is that the electrical run that should be going from an interior wall to the kitchen island missed the wall by about an inch. 
We are not sure what the solution will be here. Perhaps they can drill into the slab behind the pipe and just bend it to go into the wall space (This is probably our preferred method) or we will have to move the wall a couple inches (not preferred). Moving the wall is going to entail moving other walls and the pantry, and would also create an odd kind of bump out that I'm not sure we want. 

This pipe sticks up right behind where the refrigerator & freezer will be. 

So, I sent a note to the electrician to see what his thoughts are on it, and I'll try to meet the framers there in the morning to see what they think also. 

They also removed the forms around the tie beam that is over the sliding glass doors, and framed that in.

Let's see where we get this week!

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